IFEU – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg


Work package leader of WP 7 (Sustainability) to identify the most sustainable SUPRA-BIO biorefinery concepts for the simultaneous production of biofuels, biomaterials and biochemicals such as high value-added pharmaceuticals. Within WP 7, IFEU will be responsible for the following two tasks:

  • Life cycle assessment (LCA) of all SUPRA-BIO biorefinery concepts to assess their environmental impacts and to identify those having least environmental burdens.
  • Integrated assessment of sustainability to identify the most sustainable SUPRA-BIO biorefinery concepts by taking into account the results of the environmental, economic and social / legal assessment as well as the results of the SWOT analysis.

Project dissemination to help promoting the project, e.g. through presentations at conferences etc.


Since the 1970’s, the ifeu – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg works as an independent body for environmental research, covering areas like life cycle assessment, renewable energies and energy planning, environmental impact assessment and environmental management. IFEU is a limited liability company and a non-profit organisation. Clients of IFEU include local, regional and federal governments and authorities, the European Commission, national and international foundations and organisations as well as companies and industry associations. IFEU staff participate in national and international advisory panels, e.g. at the Ministry of Agriculture in the German state of Lower-Saxony, advise FAO and IEA and have a key position in the present discussion on biomass for food, feed, fuel, and fibres.


Nils Rettenmaier
IFEU – Institut für Energie - und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH
Wilckensstr. 3
69120 Heidelberg
Tel: +49 6221 4767-24
Fax: +49 6221 4767-19
E-mail: nils.rettenmaier@ifeu.de
Web: www.ifeu.de

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